A soundscape installation art project with the collaboration of Antonis Antoniou
Opening July 2010
RainZonances3 is a multilayered project presented at the main exhibition hall of the Nicosia Municipal Arts Centre, Associated with the Pierides Foundation (NIMAC) in the framework of Project Room. The artists Antonis Antoniou and PARAVAN (Melita Couta, Harris Kafkarides) collaborated to bulid an installation presenting three basic elements, a soundscape environment, a platform / stage area and a series of parallel events with invited artists. The thematic of the exhibition was changing every week over the period of one month. The themes explored in this project had to do with urbanistic experiences.

TO QUEUE IS TO QUAKE... to to and fro, namely.
Premiere 21 November 2010
Dance performance part of NOBODY Festival 2010 at Pallas Theatre. Collaboration with Pascal Caron.
Choreography: Pascal Caron
Live electronics: Antonis Antoniou
Costume Design: PARAVAN
Supported by Paravan.
Ariana Alpha
Valentinos Kokkinos
Irene Andronikou
Michalis Aristidou
Ifigeneia Charalambous
Despina Chrysanthou
Giulio- Filippo D' Errico
Helen Georgiadou
Yianna Georgiadou
Melinda Iacovidou
Marios Kakoullis
Nadia Mowafy
Maria Papacosta
Yiota Papageorgiou
Constantinos Socratous
Stephanie Stylianidou

25 January 2010
A site specific, soundscape installation art project at the old Satirico theatre relics with the collaboration of Antonis Antoniou, Evripides Dikaios, Ariana Alpha.

RainZonances 2 is a site specific project which took place at the old Satiriko Theatre, former "Adelphi Varnakidi" cinema, a building that was scheduled to be demolished. It was a one time performance using material that was abandoned in the space, as well as archives of sound and video recordings. The artists produced a journey, a last performance based on reviving memory.